Why I’ve Become a Tour Guide
My first attempt at being tour guide was not an unqualified success. Aged 21, I was in put in charge of 50 French kids who had just arrived in London at the start of a three-week stay to learn English. One ...
My first attempt at being tour guide was not an unqualified success. Aged 21, I was in put in charge of 50 French kids who had just arrived in London at the start of a three-week stay to learn English. One ...
Click for bigger. Thanks to Google Maps.
As wonderful as Buenos Aires is, at some point you will want to escape for a few hours, if only for a change of scenery. Thankfully getting away from it is not difficult (or expensive) and there are some lovely ...
OK, so two photos today and not of anyone actually tangoing either but two iconic tango places in Buenos Aires. Carlos Gardel is to Tango what Maradona is to Football. Except more so. And he's dead. The world's greatest ever Tango ...
Eric Fischer on Flickr has published a photoset that examines the GeoTagging information in each Flickr photograph of a city and analyses the users behaviour to establish whether the photographer can be classified as a "local' or a "tourist". For ...
The driving in Buenos Aires is not the worst in South America, but that's not saying much. When I first came here from Europe travelling in a bus or taxi was one of the most terrifying (or exhilarating if you've ...